Friday, August 1, 2008

A Room With A View

I've spent the last couple of nights cleaning my room. Yeah, I know, it sounds really boring and you're probably wondering why I'm even mentioning it. Let alone dedicating a whole post to the subject. Well, I've been living in my current residence for about a year and a half now. And in the whole time that I've lived there, I never finished completely unpacking or putting everything away. As a result, my room has been a constant mess of clutter. And because everyone is moving this week in Fort Collins because all the leases seem to end the last day of July, I decided that I would clean and rearrange my room just for fun. Wow, that makes me sound like a really boring and lame person. Cleaning and rearranging my room just for fun. Lame.

I've spent the last couple of nights cleaning and organizing it. Mostly between the hours of 11 pm and 3 am. Why? Because I'm not as lame as you would think. I try to go out and be social, so when I would arrive home at 11 pm, it was time to get to work.

Talk about junk. I'm not sure where or when I accumulated so many things. When I moved to here to Fort Collins, I could fit my entire life in the back of my Blazer. Not so much anymore. Since living here I've accumulated a queen size bed, a couch, a recliner, roll top desk, TV stand, and several book shelves. As I decided to clean up all the clutter that was my room I also came to the realization that I have a lot of papers. Papers from church, old credit card statements, junk mail, etc. Why do I keep all of that stuff? I don't think I keep it because I like having it. I think it's more of a 'I'll just put it down here on the desk' type of thing, and then I just forget about it until I have a huge stack of junk. I wonder if anyone else does that, or if it's just me.

Now everything is cleaned up in my room. And by clean, I mean organized. It's a really good feeling. Now the trick is to keep it like that. Maybe I should dedicate Saturday mornings to make sure that everything stays in it's place. I guess we'll see how that works out.

1 comment:

atypicalsmiths said...

If you dedicate your Saturday mornings to cleaning your room, what am I supposed to do? :P Well I guess this Saturday is fine...